Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1st Time.

Hey everyone, my names Tia-Mone [moe-nay] and im new to this whole blogging thing, but i have alot to say so i figured this was a good way to get out what i wanted to say without going on long rants to my friends about randomness (or so they call it). well i guess first things first im a senior in highschool, a spoken word artist/poet, a softball player, but more than anything else im a PERSON. just like you. so please refrain from judging me because im just here to get everything off my chest, without having to deal with my friends being jerks.

--> *l o v e* p e a c e* & *p o e t r y* <--
if you were wondering what a Forgotten Seraphim is, its your lucky day...well im pretty sure you know what "forgotten" means so moving on... A "Seraphim" is the correct term for the highest form of an Angel.

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